The Guerrilla Girls´ Updated Art Museum Activity Book

TitelThe Guerrilla Girls´ Updated Art Museum Activity Book
AutorenGuerrilla Girls
VerlagPrinted Matter, Inc.
OrtNew York
SchlagwörterAktivismus, artist´s book, Feminismus, Künstlermonographie, politische Kunst

Rich people have always had a lot of stuff. A few centuries ago they ran out of room in their palaces and churches, so they started art museums. The Guerilla Girls love museums and all the art in them! But we worry about them, too. Why do they raise hundreds of millions for new buildings then complain that they don´t have enough money to buy art? Why do they blow a fortune on a single painting by a white male genius when they could acquire hundreds of great works by women and people of color instead? Why do museums store execs get paid more than curators? The Guerilla Girls´ Art Museum Activity Book takes you behind the pretty pictures. Wallow in the dirt that museums hope you haven´t noticed. Take our fun tests; do the math. Get ideas for how you can bother and maybe change your favorite museum - just like we´ve been doing.


KM Guerilla Girls 2004